Wednesday 20 April 2011

Question Four: How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The final evaluation question was on 'new media technologies'. Throughout the research, planning and evaluation stages I used many different forms of new media technologies.

New Media Technology - ("New media is a broad term in media studies that emerged in the later part of the 20th century.  For example, new media holds out a possibility of on-demand access to content any time, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, creative participation and community formation around the media content. What distinguishes new media from traditional media is the digitizing of content into bits. Most technologies described as "new media" are digital, often having characteristics of being manipulated, networkable, dense, compressible, and interactive. Some examples may be the Internet, websites, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMS, and DVDs.") Source

1. Laptops/Computers Laptops and computers were used in all of the stages. For the research it was used to look up articles on the Internet on bulling and clothes worn by a teenage girl. This meant we had better knowledge on what our film needed to include for a good Mise-en-scene. The process was quick and easy, with bulling stories being able to be found in a matter of minutes. If the new technology was not available the research would most defiantly have been made in the library with books. The group would have also have had to do our own primary research into bulling, girls clothing and so on.

2. Sony PD150 Camera The camera was used in creating our short film Karma. It was an important new technology used as we could film our footage and was the most expensive piece. The camera was used throughout the filming and allowed us to be more creative with what we were filming. If this technology was not available it would have been very hard to film our project. The group would have had to find another technology which would allow us to record. The other technology may have had to be an older way of recording films which would have had to be used if the PD150 was not available.

3. Internet The Internet was another important new technology used in the majority of the stages. We used websites like YouTube and search engines like Google to gain research. YouTube allowed me to view short films which had already been created; post 5 involved this and would not have been completed without it. Blogger was used to present our work online making it easy to make changes to work and so on while Windows Hotmail was used for communication. If the Internet was not available most of the work would have had to be done using books from the library. If Blogger was not available a written portfolio might have had to be the way to present your work.

4. Digital SLR Camera The digital camera was used to take photos of the group when in production. These images were used to place on our blog to show us at work. It was also used to take images to use for our postcard designs meaning it was an important piece of new technology used. Without this technology a drawing could have been made of the group when in production showing off our "creativity" looked at in earlier posts.

5. Scanner The scanner was used to scan work onto the computer. This process was fast and effective as the group uploaded images of all of our pre-production work to the computer in a matter of minutes. The work could then be uploaded to blogger as an image to show the work. If I did not have a scanner I would have taken a picture of my work on the digital SLR camera and uploaded it to blogger.

6. Mobile phones Mobile phones were used to communicate to other group members. The group were able to communicate on filming days to send on messages or simply to find out where the group was meeting. This was an important new technology as it enabled the group to contact each other to inform on relevant information. Without this technology the communication would have had to be made through email or in a writing letter. It would have been harder to keep in touch with other group members leading to lack of communication.

7. Edit Suite The edit suite a small room in the school was used to create the short film. It helped us edit clips, play around with sounds and put the short film together. The edit suite consisted of a computer, sound system and two different views on the same computer monitor. Without this new technology we would not have been able to edit our film. The group possibly may have had to use a different program to edit. Or alternatively would have had to used the old fashioned way of creating films and make sure we filmed the whole short film in one.

8. Flip Video
The flip video was mainly used for the evaluation and recording feedback for my postcards and short film. It was also used when we was shooting our short film. The video software enabled clips to be placed on YouTube after a finishing of recording. This meant a different form of communication could be added into our blogs. Our group was filmed by Miss Shipp while in the process of creating our film so we could upload the videos to our blogs. If this technology was not available pictures would have been used instead of video to explain.

New media technology plays a big part in media studies to date. It is used greatly in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages. These technologies have become very reliant and are a key part creating any media product. I feel if the group did not have these new technologies making our short film Karma would have been very difficult. I thought of many ways of what would have happened if these new technologies had not been available however believe they had to be used to create our short film.

The technology has enabled me and my group to gain information and create work at a much quicker rate. The use of laptops and computers mean programs like Microsoft Word can be used to produce writing, allowing for an easy edit. I believe without these technologies time would have also have been added on to the process.

However is the new technology bad? For me it meant trips to the library and primary research were replaced by trips to Google. No doubt the technology helped but does it mean old education sources are dead? The new technologies were used in every stage of the creation of our short film. This shows modern technology has become very reliant in the media world today.

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