Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Question Three: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

After finishing the three media products, - The short film, postcard and short film review page it was time to get some audience feedback on the three. The audience feedback is a key part of the evaluation as it is a great chance find out other people views on our products. For me it was a chance to see where I could have improved not only with the group's short film but my postcard and short film review page.

Classmates Feedback

After asking classmates their views on our short film I feel I have learnt much more than I originally thought about Karma. I have learnt about where we went wrong in our short film more than anything. After asking a series of questions it is clear from the feedback that the ending of the film could have been improved. I now believe our short film maybe should have had a clearer ending. The message could have been shown better as this was also brought up in the feedback from our classmates. Another query which was brought up when questioning was the lack of extras used in some scenes. Obviously this was down to availability of people which did not go for us on many days, when filming. However I also learnt there were many positives about our film. The music and when it was played, the different locations used and the camera angles were all brought up when what our classmates felt was positive about the short film.

If I could do this project again I would change the ending to the film. I feel our ending was rushed and didn't show the message we wanted to get across to the audience which was - what comes around goes around. This was brought up in our feedback and feel if this was improved our feedback would be improved. I would have also made it clearer with her friends leaving her in the scene coming out of school. This was an improvement raised by a classmate which I agree with. I think the clearer message would make our final short film overall easier to understand.

School KS5 Pastoral Feedback

Ensuring the group got feedback from someone older was just as important as our classmates. Like the feedback from my classmates I learnt a lot about how other people see Karma. This was one of a few videos we recorded of older associates giving us feedback after asking Miss Wright she kindly agreed to watch our short film and answer a few questions. Once again I learnt the ending was seen to be one of the big weaknesses of the short film as miss mentioned it a few times in the feedback. Like my classmates she also mentioned about the music and how she felt it fitted in with the short film well. She also brought up the dialogue saying that was also easy to follow.

Like before if I was to change anything about our film it would be the ending. This was not only brought up by our classmates but was picked up by Miss Wright. She mentioned something else maybe should have happened with the two hooded boys and I agree. I would have made the final scene longer and would have added more shots in to add to the atmosphere. Using the two hooded boys to do something with Lucieanne would have also had been edited if I had the chance to improve Karma.

Postcard Feedback

This was one of many feedback videos I recorded when gaining audience feedback. Before filming I gave an image of my postcard to my classmate so she could look at it while speaking to the camera. I have learnt a few points from getting feedback for my postcard design. The first thing I have learnt is that my fellow classmate believes I have followed many conventions like the production company logo which is very good. I had aimed to follow many conventions and having that backed up by my peer is pleasing. I have also learnt my classmate believes the big picture of our protagonist on the front design was a good choice. This has made me happy as I felt when creating this was the best image to use in the final design. My classmate mentioned about adding in a synopsis on the back design, however I disagree with her. I disagree with her because I feel the back design has already got a lot of information and feel if a synopsis was added it would make it look cluttered.

When I created my five different designs I asked around 11-12 people their views and thought on all of them and got them to vote their favourite. The postcard which was chosen I created however used the back design from postcard three was second choice. I think it was good asking people on their views as it gave me thoughts from another person's perspective. It did make me change the back design to postcard five as my audience who gave the feedback mentioned they liked the back design to postcard three better. So in the end it was worth the trouble of finding and questioning a group of people.

If I did create the postcard again the only change I would have made was changing the front image so the school sign was behind Lucieanne. I feel this would have added something more to the front design and am interested to see what I could have done to the image when editing it. The only change to the back may have been a different colour but overall am happy with the front and back design.

Short Film Review Page Feedback

This video was one of many I recorded to learn from audience feedback and place on my blog. Before filming I gave an image of my short film review to my classmate so she could look at it while speaking to the camera. Like my feedback for my postcard I have learnt a few points from the feedback. The first point which I'm pleased about is once again my peer does believe I have used conventions you would see on a real media product. She went through and named a few that I had included which backs up my comments made in the other evaluation posts on my review. When asked about the layout I learnt my classmate felt it was good but could have been improved by a small synopsis at the end. This time I do agree with my peer. The reason I did not write a synopsis was because I ran out of space to include it in. However feel it was not majorly important and hadn't been used in all the real media film reviews I had previously read. I have also learnt that my audience will find it easy to read. My classmate mentioned this when asked so I believe a reading audience will feel the same.

If I was to make any improvements to my final short film review page it would defiantly be to add in a synopsis. This was brought up by my peer who I questioned and I totally agree with her. Like I said before the reason why I did not add one was because I ran out of space. If I did have the space I would have defiantly added one in as it was a convention used on the Frozen review at the end.

To conclude the audience feedback has been a good way to see what people think from a different perspective. It has told me what I have done well and where improvements could have been made. Looking over my three final media products I am happy with the final outcome of all of them. The feedback has been mostly good but the criticism and improvement advice is what means the most. If I was to do these again I would not change much. For the groups film obviously the ending will have to be looked at however my postcard and short film review would have minor improvements to be made to them.

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