Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Question One: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This was the first evaluation question and it involved looking at the short film me and my group created as well as my own postcard and short film review page. When looking back over the media products that were created I had to determine whether they use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product. After looking at the conventions of short films, postcards and film reviews this post will recognise if or not I have used them in my own work. This is an important review of not only the groups work but my own individual work.

Short Film - Karma
1. My first screen shot from our short film I feel uses forms and conventions of real media texts. This is because it is establishing the scene for an audience. The use of three shots cutting out from a close up to a medium shot tells the audience action is happening within the house. In all of the short films I have viewed the location is shown within the first few shots. With the character voices the audience can quickly pick up that this is a family house with an argument going on inside.

2. Like shot one I feel my second screen shot uses conventions of an existing product. I say this because after looking into short films I learnt it is important to establish the protagonist early on. This is a key factor to letting the audience know who the main character is and another way of gaining their attention. In many other of the short films I originally viewed before being involved in creating our own the protagonist was seen in the first few seconds, sometimes being the first shot.

3. The third screen shot uses and challenges real forms. It challenges because it is not placed at the beginning on the film, an example of this is Frendo. Some short films I have watched usually place their short film subtitle at the beginning. As well as challenging I also feel the white writing and black background is what is used in many existing products I have already seen. I felt keeping the titles neutral was important as it gave it a professional overall look.

4. The forth screen shot in my view uses forms of existing products. This is mainly because it is establishing the location with a long shot. Establishing the world and ensuring the audience understand what the location is vital and I feel this shot does this. It does it by using the shots distance to determine what viewers can see. From the shot you can clearly see Lucieanne is walking into school achieved by making sure the school sigh was in the shot.

5. This screen shot of Lucieanne in the science class challenges real media products. This is because a stereotypical bully usually only bullies others when they are with their friends and in large groups to impress. However this screen shot shows Lucieanne about to bully two workmates on her own. It tells an audience she bullies not to show off but to get a kick for her own from doing it. This reverts back to what I have said before about her taking her problems from home into school.

6. I chose this screen shot as I feel it does use conventions of a real media product. This is because from my research on short films I found out it was important to have a character with a problem or obstacle. This grabs the audience's attention. This shot does this because it shows her picking up her planner she had lost. Her problem is that someone stole it from her and wrote over it. It grabs the audiences attention as they see the shot and wonder why she has lost/picking up a planner.

7. I feel the next shot does use existing conventions. I feel this because it plays on the stereotype of her being a bully. This was another piece of information I found out when researching into short films. It plays on the stereotype as she is picking on a student who is less able to defend herself. She is less able to defend herself because she is holding a large amount of books which she drops when pushed. It plays on the stereotype that bullies only pick on others who are less likely to be able to defend themselves.

8. The eight screen shot I choose did and didn't use forms and conventions of original media products. I felt it didn't because the teacher's clothes could have been smarter for a teacher, for instance his tie. As an audience you can tell he is a teacher however it could have been improved with the clothing used. However I did feel it meet the conventions because it is establishing the location which I did speak about earlier on in the post as being very important. It establishes she is in a classroom as there is a teacher and other students.

9. I feel screen shot number nine uses conventions from real media products. This is because it uses camera angles to show someone's power. The camera angle this short was taken from what the height the victim was at when looking up to Lucieanne. By having the camera angle low down looking up at our bully (Lucieanne) it implies she has power over her victim. Using different camera angles to give a character a trait is commonly used in short films as it's an easy way to play on stereotypes, key to play on in short films.

10. Screen shot 10 in my view develops and challenges real forms and conventions. This is because the two boys are the two bulling the films protagonist Lucieanne. Its challenges stereotypes as stereotypically it is girls who bully girls not boys bulling girls. The screen shot does not play on stereotypes and because of this challenges what I have already said about the importance of playing on stereotypes.

11. I feel the next screen shot is unconventional. This is because when researching into short films I found out short films need to be kept at a consistent tone. The reason I say it is unconventional is because just as the films pace really picks up we are given this shot which slows down the film. However I believe it doesn't have an impact on the audience's attention which is most important. Short film Signs used this convention keeping the same pace throughout the whole of the few minutes which kept your attention.

12. For me I feel screen shot twelve does use the conventions of a real media product. This is because we see what is happening through the view of Lucieanne, watching it through how she views it. After Lucieanne pushes over the victim she watches her pick up the books which feel from her hands. This convention is used in many short films. It lets the audience view what is happening from a characters perspective.

13. This shot does meet the conventions seen in short films like Cubs and Does God Play Football. I say this because like one of my earlier screen shots it sets up the location with a long shot. Establishing what is happening in this scene was very important as it had to look like it was the end of a school day. The world and what is happening is an important part in short films as they are so long so ensuring the audience understand the location and time is very important. By using extras and noise made sure it set the scene.

14. After looking at my notes on short films I feel this shot does use conventions. This is because a short film must include something of significance that gives the film a plot. I believe this shot has a lot of significance as we found out she was being bullied as well as bulling others. Earlier on it showed her picking up her planner however it isn't till this point you realise the significance of that and what it really meant. All of the short films I have previously viewed have something significant all at different points though.

15. For me I feel this is conventional. I say this because the range of the shot distance is much closer than any of the others. This matches the convention that shots should be used to show what is happening. This shot shows it through the eyes of the student who is getting bullied. This convention is a bit like number twelve as it is viewing it through someone's perspective.

16. The last screen shot I have chosen meets the forms and conventions of a real media product. This is because it is placed at the end of the short film. In every single short film I have seen there has been credits at the end of the short film. This is conventional as well as the white writing and black background. I mentioned about this in my first screen shot however is black and white is usually the used in the end credits as well. It is also conventional because it scrolls up showing all the production team and extras names.


I feel the front of my postcard has used many of the conventions used in ours I have researched. The image of our short films protagonist is a common feature on the front design of a postcard. It tells the audience who the main character is in the short film. The title used is also conventional as well. All postcard designs have the title of the film on the front of their postcard usually placed down the bottom or near the top. The only unconventional decision I made about the front was not having the production company's logo. I felt the front should be less cluttered so decided on placing it on the back. I feel I have developed my front design as on many other postcard designs the front has much more information. My feeling was to leave the front design with just the title of the film to entice an audience to look at the back.

The back design of my final postcard used a lot of the conventions written down in my post 17. In the end I decided to go against doing the information over an image as I wanted the content on the back to be the focus point. Opting for the grey-blue colour I felt stayed with conventions and forms in the real media postcards I viewed. Ensuring I included the details like information about the film, cast and credits, website link and directors name was key to matching real media products. My back design does also challenge forms of real postcards as I didn't include a synopsis. This was one convention I didn't include in my previous designs so wasn't too keen on putting one in when creating.

Short Film Review Page

After looking again at different film reviews I believe mine does use forms and conventions of real media products. The layout is a conventional layout. The large picture at the top of the page followed by a big title of the film and film detail all back this point. I also have set out the writing in columns so it's good to the eye, with the other short film reviews just to the right of the page making sure the main focus is on the Karma review. The picture at the top of the page is very conventional and is used on a common basis by real products. Its the part of the page which grips the attention of a reader. I wanted to used the lines underneath to make the reader look down the page in that direction reading the details about the film before the review.

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